Stellar Options #5: Operative Abilities For Sale

Sneaky, Swift, and Savvy
Get new options for your operative to open up amazing options, including the bullet dancer and star corsair alternate class features, plus the incredible tech-bonded operative specialization. Connect with machines tech empathy, build construct companions, reignite the spark of life when they are destroyed, and unite master and creation in perfect synchrony! Plus, get over a dozen special abilities you can imbue in your construct companion!
Sometimes you want awesome rules expansions for your Starfinder Roleplaying Game campaign, but sometimes what you need is a power-packed punch of tightly focused rules content that contains exactly what you need for your character, creature, or whatever it may be. New fighting styles and feats, thematically linked gear, archetypes and class features, and so on; that s where Stellar Options come in. Stellar Options are not about exposition, philosophy, and campaign-building; they are just flat-out fantastic ideas and great mechanics for GMs and players alike, written by many of the same designers that create official Starfinder rules content! Grab each one for just $1.99 and Make Your Game Legendary!
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Format | |
System | Starfinder |